231 Model
The Legislative Decree 231/2001 (“Decree 231"), has inserted into the Italian legal system the "administrative liability" of legal persons, companies and associations, including those without a legal personality (entities), with regard to the commission of criminal offences by persons acting in their interest or to their advantage.
In accordance with the provisions of the mentioned Legislative Decree 231, the Board of Directors of PEG has adopted an Organisation, Management and Control Model capable of ensuring the effective and efficient monitoring of the entity's critical processes, capable of preventing offences as per the Decree 231.
PEG has set up an internal control body named “Supervisory Body” (SB) with the task of overseeing the model's operation, effectiveness and observance, as well as providing for its constant updating. The SB of PEG is composed by three external professionals, appointed by the Board of Directors on 31st of March 2014.
To report to the SB any violations and/or non-compliance of the Model and Code of Ethics, PEG has implemented the platform WHISTLELINK (https://pegitaly.whistlelink.com/), a new online system for reporting crimes, illegal activities and suspected irregularities.
Here below please find the General Section of 231 Model.
To request the Special Section of 231 Model please send mail to global@pegitaly.it