In compliance with new legal provisions, PEG has adopted a whistleblowing system to ensure the confidentiality or anonymity of reports, which can be sent by anyone without fear of personal retaliation. It is therefore possible to send, either confidentially or anonymously, a report to the Supervisory Board, so that it can assess its content and arrange for any further investigation.
WHISTLEBLOWING - PEG S.p.A. - Italian Version
This section is applicable only to Progetti Europa & Global S.p.A. ("PEG" or the "Company").
The Company has provided, in accordance with applicable regulations (Legislative Decree No. 24 of March 10, 2023, the "Whistleblowing Decree"), for an internal channel dedicated to whistleblowing reports ("System" or "Platform"), to allow all eligible individuals the opportunity to report violations of National or European Union regulatory provisions that harm the public interest or the integrity of the Company, of which they have become aware in the work context (the "Whistleblowing Reports").
The System is also relevant for the purposes of Legislative Decree No. 231 of June 8, 2001, and complies with the legislation on the protection of personal data (EU Regulation 2016/679).
Whistleblowing Reports can be made confidentially or completely anonymously, through a text message or voice message; in either case, the System, through encryption and/or voice recording alteration tools, guarantees the confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower, the person involved and the person mentioned in the report, as well as the content of the report and any attached documentation.
Whistleblowing Reports must be, in all cases and regardless of the modality used, detailed and well-founded, so that the appropriate measures can be prepared and the relevant investigations and insights carried out.
For any further information, please refer to the corporate procedure adopted by the Company.
WHISTLEBLOWING - PEG S.p.A. - Italian Version
La presente sezione è applicabile esclusivamente alla Progetti Europa & Global S.p.A. (“PEG” o la “Società”).
La Società ha previsto, in conformità alla normativa vigente (D. Lgs. n. 24 del 10 marzo 2023, “Decreto Whistleblowing”), la predisposizione di un canale interno dedicato alle segnalazioni whistleblowing (“Sistema” o “Piattaforma”), per consentire a tutti i soggetti legittimati la possibilità di segnalare violazioni di disposizioni normative nazionali o dell’Unione Europea che ledono l’interesse pubblico o l’integrità della Società, di cui siano venute a conoscenza nel contesto lavorativo (le “Segnalazioni Whistleblowing”).
Il Sistema rileva anche ai fini del D. Lgs. 8 giugno 2001, n. 231 ed è conforme alla normativa in materia di protezione dei dati personali (Regolamento UE 2016/679).
Le Segnalazioni Whistleblowing possono essere effettuate in forma riservata ovvero in forma del tutto anonima, attraverso un messaggio di testo o un messaggio vocale; in entrambi i casi, il Sistema, tramite strumenti di crittografia e/o di alterazione della registrazione vocale, garantisce la riservatezza dell’identità del segnalante, della persona coinvolta e della persona menzionata nella segnalazione, nonché del contenuto della segnalazione e della relativa documentazione eventualmente allegata.
Le Segnalazioni Whistleblowing devono essere, in ogni caso e a prescindere dalla modalità utilizzata, circostanziate e fondate, in modo da consentire di approntare le dovute misure e di effettuare gli opportuni accertamenti e approfondimenti.
Per ogni ulteriore informazione in merito, si rinvia alla procedura aziendale adottata dalla Società.
This section is applicable only to PEG DMCC ("PEG DUBAI" or the "Company").
The Company has set up an internal channel dedicated to whistleblowing reports ("System" or "Platform") to allow all eligible individuals the opportunity to report violations of laws that harm the integrity of the Company and of which they have become aware of in the work context (the "Whistleblowing Reports").
The System is also relevant for the purposes of the PEG DUBAI Compliance Program and complies with the data protection legislation.
Whistleblowing Reports can be made confidentially or completely anonymously, through a text message or voice message; in either case, the System, through encryption and/or voice recording alteration tools, guarantees the confidentiality of the identity of the whistleblower, the person involved and the person mentioned in the report, as well as the content of the report and any attached documentation.
Whistleblowing Reports must be, in any case and regardless of the modality used, circumstantiated and well-founded, so that the appropriate measures can be prepared and the relevant investigations and insights carried out.
For any further information, please refer to the corporate procedure adopted by the Company.